The University of Iowa

Clinical Research Unit

The Clinical Research Unit reviews all protocols that propose to use the CRU (requested in V.21 in the HawkIRB application).  The CRU (formerly known as the General Clinical Research Center- GCRC) is part of the Institute for Clinical Translational Science (ICTS).  The ICTS Clinical Research Resources (CRR) consist of the following:

  • Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
  • Dental CRU
  • Flex Nurses
  • Clinical Research Coordination Core

Conduct of the study in the ICTS CRR (Clinical Research Resource) should be described in the study procedures section (VII.E.6) of the application and the Informed Consent Document.  IRB review may be concurrent with review of the project by the ICTS Clinical Research Protocol Review Committee.  Investigators should submit applications to the IRB before or at the same time the CRU protocol is submitted. Each protocol is evaluated by the committee for scientific merit and utilization of CRU resources.  Two ad hoc reviewers also critique the protocols.  The deliberations of this committee are not shared with the IRB unless there are specific subject protection issues raised by the CRU Advisory Committee.

Documentation of ICTS Clinical Research Protocol Review Committee approval is not necessary for IRB review and approval of the project.   

Reminder: By requesting and using ICTS services, you agree to acknowledge the NIH and CTSA grant number U54TR001356 in any and all publications, presentations, patents, and projects resulting from directly funded research. 

Clinical Research Unit (CRU) additional information

Direct questions to:

Jackline Wangui-Verry, MSN, RN, MS-BC
Assistant Nurse Manager
Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
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