- I am completing an application in HawkIRB for the first time. Are there any training classes or other resources offered by the UI that can assist me with this process?
- How do I start a new project application?
- I would like to view the entire application, but not necessarily submit it. Is that possible?
- How can I view a consent template?
1. I am completing an application in HawkIRB for the first time. Are there any training classes or other resources offered by the UI that can assist me with this process?
2. How do I start a new project application?
The first time you log into the system, you will be prompted to review your user profile. Make any necessary changes and click Save and Continue. Once in your HawkIRB inbox, select Create New Project. This provides you with a blank outline of the New Project Application to complete. Notice that you cannot link to every part of the application initially - HawkIRB is a smart application, meaning certain sections of the application will open and close based on how you answer previous questions.
Note: The HawkIRB system considers the person who creates the new project form to be the Principal Investigator. If you are completing the application for someone else, you should log in as a delegate of the PI.
As you work through the application, be sure to click on Back, Index, or Continue at the bottom of the HawkIRB screen to save your answers. Do not navigate through the application using your web browser buttons, or your information will not save. You can access your application at any time under Draft Forms in your HawkIRB inbox - it does not need to be completed at once.
The HSO/IRB will not see your application until you submit it. Feel free to start an application to get a feel for the form and the questions; it does not have to be submitted to the IRB.
- IRB Standard Operating Procedures
- - Chapter X. Operations of the UI IRBs, Section B. Submission of Applications
- UI Investigators Guide
- - Chapter 6. New Project Applications and IRB Review and Approval, Sections A-D.
3. I would like to view the entire application, but not necessarily submit it. Is that possible?
You can view an application that is in draft form in HawkIRB. Under Draft Forms in your inbox, click on review (at the far right) for the appropriate application. In the upper right corner, click on View a printer friendly version of this form. This will open the entire application in a new window.
Keep in mind that HawkIRB is a “smart” application - the way you answer certain questions will open and close different questions. The application has very complicated skip patterns built into the forms. It is not possible to view all of the questions at one time.
4. How can I view a consent template?
The consent template is only available from the attachment page within a HawkIRB application. The system inserts specific template language into the consent template based on the description of the study in the HawkIRB application. Investigators are strongly encouraged to complete the entire HawkIRB application BEFORE generating the consent template on the form attachments page.
If you would like to see a general template before you are ready to complete the application, follow these steps:
- Log into HawkIRB.
- Click on Create New Project. (You don't have to submit this project and can delete it at any time.)
- Click on Project Introduction to access the application - a few questions must be completed in the application for the consent template to be accessible:
- I.1 Select the IRB
- I.2 Fill in a project title
- IV.2 Choose Regular review
- Be sure to click Back, Index, or Continue to save your answers. After completing IV.2, click Index, then Consent Forms & Other Attachments.
- Scroll to the attachment category titled Consent/Assent Documents and Information Sheets for Exempt Studies. In the drop-down menu, select Informed consent (for teenagers and older).
- Important! Downloading the Informed Consent template before completion of your application will result in missing sections. This should be done only to ascertain a general idea of the Informed Consent format. After completion of the application, download another Informed Consent template, and make your edits on this document.