Effective 1/2013
UI IRB fees for WIRB submissions and WIRB processing fees have changed. Please see WIRB Fees for detailed information.
Effective 12/2012
UI researchers will have the option to elect to submit to the UI IRB or WIRB. If the UI IRB is assigned as the IRB of record, a one time IRB review fee of $2000 will be assessed for any Industry sponsored studies that meet the definition of a clinical trial.
Effective 6/1/12
WIRB Fee Schedule has changed. Please review the WIRB Fees link below for additional information. Further clarification or an explanation of WIRB Fee Charges can also be found on the WIRB website and by calling WIRB Client Services.
Effective 12/5/11
WIRB responsibilities are transitioning to a new HSO staff member. During this transition a 24 hr turn around time can not be guaranteed. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition.
Effective 6/1/11
Beginning June 1, 2011 any new WIRB Form A received in the Human Subjects Office that involves an investigational device (IDE or Non-Significant Risk), or carotid stent, and any new Form A received in the HSO if the PI is from either the Department of Internal Medicine or the Department of Pediatrics must obtain JOC Research Billing approval.
Effective 1/25/11
A WIRB specific Record of Consent Frequently Asked Questions document has been created by the Human Subjects Office. This FAQ includes a link to the UIHC policy, contact information, guidance on implementing the policy, and information on the Record of Consent in EPIC. Suggestions on the content of this FAQ document can be sent to uiwirb@uiowa.edu
Effective 10/22/10
WIRB's initial review forms have been revised and will be available for use November 1, 2010. WIRB encourages researchers to begin using the new format; however, use of the updated forms will not be required until January 1, 2011. Older versions of the submission form will not be accepted after this date. Copies of the new forms can be downloaded from the Download Forms page of the WIRB website.
Effective 5/1/10:
WIRB fees are $800. Prior to this increase, WIRB fees were set at $700.
Effective 11/4/09:
All WIRB New Project applications must be submitted electronically. Form B and the Informed Consent Template have also been revised.
Effective 08/14/09:
A record of consent approved by the HSO must be used for all new WIRB studies. This document must be updated by the PI as changes to the protocol and/or staff dictate. Modified versions of the record of consent do not need to be submitted to the HSO or to WIRB. The WIRB informed consent template has been revised. Forms A, B, and C have been revised to reflect UIHC Joint Office for Compliance information and the new Record of Consent.
Effective 7/1/09:
Forms A and B have been revised to reflect UIHC Joint Office for Compliance information.
Effective 6/1/09:
WIRB Fee Schedule has changed. Please review the WIRB Fee Schedule links. Further clarification or an explanation of WIRB Fee Charges can also be found on the WIRB website as well as calling WIRB Client Services.
*Change in informed consent template language, 12/2008, 3/2009, 7/1/09, 8/14/09, 11/4/09.