The University of Iowa

WIRB Review Process and Approval Notification

WIRB Review Process

  • Any questions the PI/coordinator may have regarding the HawkIRB application process should be directed to the WIRB Coordinator --
  • Any questions regarding the submission to WIRB should be directed to WIRB. Phone: 800-562-4789; Fax: 360-252-2498; clientservices
  • Any questions WIRB may have regarding to the submission will be directed to the PI/coordinator of the project.

Approval Notification

  1. WIRB will notify the Human Subjects Office (HSO) of a new project application approval.  WIRB is now the IRB of record for the protocol.  
  2. The WIRB Coordinator verifies that the UI template language in the Informed Consent Document is correct.
  3. As applicable, the NRC and JOC approvals will need to be finalized prior to HSO's release of the study. These approvals will be be attached to the HawkIRB application by the respective committees, along with any other committee requirements.
  4. The Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) will notify the HSO once an industry sponsored contract has been fully executed. The WIRB Coordinator will attach this notice to the Hawk IRB Application. Release of the WIRB application will not occur until the contract has been fully executed.  
  5. Upon verification of the finalized contract, the WIRB Cooridnator notifies WIRB to release the approval documents to the PI.  WIRB typically releases approval within two business days from the UI notification.  
  6. The PI will receive copies of all regulatory documents and approved consent forms from WIRB.
  7. The WIRB Coordinator will attach the WIRB Approval Memo documentation and release the project to the PI. 
  8. Research may begin once the WIRB approved materials have been sent to the Principal Investigator.  

Please note that the UI HSO compliance staff may monitor any WIRB approved protocols.