1. How do I delete a draft application?
If the application has not yet been submitted, you can delete it in your HawkIRB inbox. Under Draft Forms, find the project and click on remove (at the far right).
2. I submitted an application in HawkIRB but I will no longer be able to conduct this research. How can I delete this application?
The Human Subjects Office requires written correspondence to withdraw a project application - once an application is withdrawn, it cannot be reactivated.
The HSO may have sent the application back to you with questions - check your HawkIRB inbox first. If you do not have the application, contact the HSO (319/335-6564 or irb). Ask that the application be sent back to you as you would like to withdraw it.
On the workflow (wkflw) page in HawkIRB, enter a message to the IRB stating that you would like to withdraw the application and provide a brief explanation. Click on Save Answers to Correspondence, then Return Routing Slip to the HSO. When the form is received by the HSO, it will be withdrawn.
You can view a withdrawn form by changing the filter in your inbox, under Projects -- Filter: where <hawkID> is the principal investigator and project status is Withdrawn.