The staff at the University of Iowa's Human Subjects Office has developed this web page to provide you with additional sources of information about participating in a research study (also sometimes called a "clinical trial" or "clinical study" when patients are involved). We hope that you will find the answers to many of your questions by following the links below. Please do not hesitate to contact the Human Subjects Office at 319-335-6564 if you have additional questions about the rights of research subjects.
Questions about your rights as a participant in a research study
If you are thinking about being in a research study, remember that participating is completely voluntary. You can choose not to participate, or, if you decide to participate, you can choose to stop participating at any time. The following documents provide some additional information about your rights as a research subject:
Research Volunteer Brochure - You may see this brochure at various locations around the UI campus and UIHC.
Veteran's Participation in Research - You may see this brochure at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Iowa City.
The Bill of Rights for Research Participants - This summarizes the rights you have as a research participant.
NIH Resource Information - [] This is an extensive list of information about the special kind of research study called a clinical trial.
Should I Enter a Clinical Trial? [Have PDF from 2002]- This is published by an independent, nonprofit health services research agency called ECRI (formerly the Emergency Care Research Institute).
If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about being a research subject or if you would like to share your experiences of being a research subject, you can call the Human Subjects Office at (319) 335-6564 or send us an e-mail at
Clinical Trial/Research Participation Opportunities [] - This is an extensive list of information about the special kind of research study called a clinical trial. – ResearchMatch is a recruitment registry, funded by the National Center for Research Resources – a component of the National Institutions of Health, that matches willing research volunteers from all over the nation with researchers and research studies in need of study participants. Anyone from the United States can participate (parents or guardians may register for kids under the age of 19) and the service is free.
Children in research
Here is some information to consider when enrolling your children in Human Subjects Research.
Children & Clinical Studies [Unknown target, good alternative is] (NIH)
Should Your Child Be in a Clinical Trial? (FDA Guide)
Teaching Children about Animals in Research (
FDA for Kids [No current analog]
Research Safety considerations when participating in research
Report Adverse Events (
Easy to Read Health & Safety Info (NIH)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS)
News about Clinical Trials (AHRP)
The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP)
Health Information for Seniors [site retired, now, also other scattered resources] (NIH)