The University of Iowa

Usage Agreements: Planning for Data Use and Transfer in Human Subjects Research

Event Date: 
Mon, Feb 26, 2018 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Event Location: 
Braley Auditorium, 01136 Pomerantz Family Pavilion, University Hospital

Representatives from the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) and the Human Subjects Office (HSO) will present information about data ownership and agreements for data sharing and the use of data when a researcher leaves the University of Iowa.  This presentation will cover

  • Institutional and sponsor concerns regarding data ownership
  • Concerns about the HawkIRB application and language in the Informed Consent Document on the establishment of usage agreements
  • Data use agreements: when they are needed and how to establish them

Pre-registration is recommended.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa- sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the Human Subjects Office in advance at (319) 335-6564.