The University of Iowa

Selected List of Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Policies

UI DoD/Navy Addendum

DoD/DoN Addendum to FWA expires 7/19/18.

DoD Regulations and Guidance

32 CFR part 219, Protection of Human Subjects

DoD Instruction 3216.02, Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-Supported Research, November 8, 2011

10 USC 980, Limitations on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects

Department of Defense Instruction 3210.7, Research Integrity and Misconduct

Department of Defense Instruction 6200.2, Use of Investigational New Drugs in Force Health Protection

DoD Component Requirements

Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

HA Policy 05-003, Policy for Protection of Human Subjects in Department of Defense Sponsored Research

Department of the Army

Information for Investigators, April 15, 2013

AR 70--‐25, Use of Volunteers as Subjects of Research, January 25, 1990

AR 40--‐38, Clinical Investigation Program, September 1, 1989

AR 40--‐7, Use of Investigational Drugs in Humans and the Use of Schedule I Controlled Drug Substances, October 19, 2009

Department of the Navy

SECNAV Instruction 3900.39D, Human Research Protection Program, November 6, 2006

Department of the Navy, Training and Education Guidance

Marine Corps Survey Program

Department of the Air Force

Air Force Instruction 40--‐402, Protection of Human Subjects in Research

This is not an authoritative list of all regulations or guidance that may apply to DoD-supported human subjects research. Check with the DoD contact for more information.