Section VII.A of the HawkIRB application asks if investigators at other institutions or sites are conducting the research study, including some or all of the study procedures or receiving identified study data (identified with a study ID number for which there is a link to the subject identifiers).
Examples include:
- Sending data or samples with identifying information (name, date of birth, study ID code, etc.) to a non-UI researcher or location
- A researcher at another institution that is conducting study procedures in conjunction with this study
- Studies that involve collaboration with a contract research organization, coordinating center, central laboratory or statistical/data management center or some other organization or entity
- Community-Based Research in which a UI investigator collaborates with research affiliates outside of the UI
The UI research team conducting study procedures at an outside organization or institution does not constitute “collaboration.” The conduct of the research study at an outside organization or institution should be indicated in Section VII.A.1 and described in Section VII.D and VII.E.