Payment for participation in research should be a form of recognition for the investment of the subject's time, loss of wages, or other inconvenience incurred. Payments should be based on the research subject’s time and/or reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred during his/her participation in the research study. This could include payment for parking, lodging or transportation. Payment should not be excessive to the nature of the project or be offered to the subject as a means of coercive persuasion or undue influence.
Subjects may be compensated for blood donation as part of their participation in a research study. The compensation amount should not be reflective of the amount of blood donated but rather one set amount that will be compensated to subjects regardless of the amount of blood donated.
Compensation may not be withheld contingent on the subject's completion of the study. In most cases involving continued participation, compensation should be given on a reasonable prorated basis to avoid the impression that the investigator is coercing the subject to continue in a study or is punishing the subject for non-compliance. If compensation is pro-rated when a subject withdraws prior to completing the study, explain in the consent process how it is pro-rated. Documentation of compensation amounts and the complete schedule of the payment plan is required within the HawkIRB application and Informed Consent Document.
The policy covering inclusion of compensation amounts in recruitment materials can be found here.
Information on the UI procedures for how to process payment for research subjects can be found here.