The University of Iowa



The Course-Related Student Project Policy applies to all human subjects research activity conducted for purposes of teaching research methods at the University of Iowa.

All activities meeting the federal definitions of human subjects research that are carried out at the University of Iowa or under its auspices must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the start of the research.  This policy document applies to undergraduate and/or graduate students at the University of Iowa and faculty members or instructors who supervise course-related student projects. This policy explains when students should submit a human subjects research application for IRB review.  

For Course Instructors, those involved in student related projects, and/or Human Subjects Research

There are various formats for research-oriented UI courses that prepare students to conduct research:
  • Research methods course, where students learn about research ethics and study design
  • Research seminar, for students to select a research mentor and/or design a research proposal.

Course Related Student Project Policy Revision

If your research methods course includes a requirement for students to conduct a research project for educational purposes, please review the revised policy to ensure that student projects comply with all applicable federal human subjects regulations and University of Iowa policies:
  1. Policy on Course-Related Student Projects & Human Subjects Research  [Revised January 2014] ​
  • conditions under which IRB approval may not be required
  • information that must be disclosed to potential subjects
  1. Checklist for Course-Related Student Projects a tool to help students and course instructors determine if IRB approval may be required [New]
  • a tool to help students and course instructors determine if IRB approval may be required
  1. Human Subjects Research Determination (HSRD) Form – If a determination cannot be made using the checklist above, the student can submit a Human Subjects Research Determination (HSRD) form, through the electronic IRB application system (HawkIRB) to ask whether IRB approval is necessary for a project.

Honor’s thesis, Master’s and Doctoral thesis

Honor’s thesis, Master’s, and Doctoral thesis projects that involve research with human subjects require IRB review and approval.  These projects are catalogued, kept, and posted by the University and meet the definition of “research” (they are designed to contribute to generalizable knowledge).

If a student has any doubt about whether an activity is human subjects research, s/he should submit a Human Subjects Research Determination (HSRD) form in HawkIRB to receive a determination by the IRB Chair.

January 2014