Department of Defense (DoD) supported research involving human subjects for which the DoD is providing at least some of the resources. Resources may include but are not limited to funding, facilities, equipment, personnel (investigators or other personnel performing tasks identified in the research protocol), access to or information about DoD personnel for recruitment, or identifiable data or specimens from living individuals. It includes both DoD-conducted research involving human subjects (intramural research) and research conducted by a non-DoD institution.
Research conducted or supported by the DoD, including its separate components (i.e., the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps), requires compliance with additional federal regulations, directives and instructions. The DoD has adopted 32 CFR 219, a version of the Common Rule that mirrors 45 CFR 46. The Department of Defense Instruction 3216.02 (DoDI 3216.02) establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for protection human subjects in DoD-supported research. The Principal Investigator, IRB and institution involved in DoD research must be knowledgeable about these obligations in order to adhere to them.