The University of Iowa


Each University of Iowa IRBs has at least five members including at least one member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas.  University of Iowa IRB members are selected with varying backgrounds of expertise, experience, and diversity to promote complete and adequate review of research activities.  Each University of Iowa IRB includes at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution.

IRB-03 includes two or more VA representatives as voting members and at least one of the VA representatives has scientific expertise.  VA representatives serve as full members of the IRB.  VA Research and Development administration officials are prohibited from serving as voting members of IRB-03 including, but not limited to the Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Development (ACOS) and the Administrative Officer for Research and Development (AO/R&D). 

Membership rosters are maintained by the IRB Administrator/Assistant Director and reviewed on an ongoing basis by the University of Iowa IRB Chairs and Human Subjects Office Executive Director to assure that expertise and experience is representative of the research under review including expertise with vulnerable populations including, but not limited to those with mental disabilities or impaired decision-making capacity.  When a deficiency is identified, the IRB Administrator/Assistant Director conducts directed recruitment of individuals with the needed expertise or experience.  Recommendations may come from the University of Iowa IRB Chairs, other University of Iowa IRB members, academic unit Deans, Directors, or Officers.  Recommendations are reviewed with the Institutional Official who makes the final offer of membership.