The University of Iowa


The Nursing Research Committee must give its approval for research within the Department of Nursing or that utilizes nurses or nursing resources at University of Iowa Health Care.  This committee assures the protection of the rights and welfare of patients and nursing personnel.  The Nursing Research Committee reviews studies that involve (a) the participation of patients or nursing staff, (b) procedures not normally part of the regular patient care or nursing activities of the unit or clinic, and (c) the development of instruments or procedures.  

The Nursing Research Committee does not share its deliberations with the University of Iowa IRB unless there are specific subject protection issues raised by the Nursing Research Committee.  Should such issues arise, the Nursing Research Committee notifies the IRB Chair in writing following its deliberations.  If the Chair agrees that the issue(s) are related to subject protection, the Chair will require the Principal Investigator to submit a modification to address the identified issue(s).