The University of Iowa

C. Hawk IRB Application Processing\Workflow


HawkIRB is the electronic application system for IRB review at the University of Iowa.  All application processing occurs via the electronic system.  Due to the volume for IRB-01, and the bi-monthly meetings for IRB-02, investigators should allow a minimum of three to four weeks for an application to be scheduled for review at a convened meeting.  IRB-03 investigators should allow a minimum of four weeks for an application to be scheduled for review based on the IRB-03 meeting monthly schedule.

Once an investigator submits an application to the IRB, Human Subjects Office staff review the application prior to its review the IRB.  Human Subjects Office staff and IRB Chairs communicate with investigators via the HawkIRB workflow system.  Instruction about how to use the workflow system is located in the “What to Expect During the IRB Review Process” FAQ

Staff Review is an initial check of the application to make sure that it is completed with expected attachments, and all questions answered, and a cursory look at responses for compliance with HSO policy.

Senior Staff Review is a higher level of review that involves analysis of responses for compliance with federal regulations, current guidance, and other applicable policies.

The IRB Coordinator schedules IRB members to meetings ensuring a quorum is available, and ensures that materials for review are presented to members.